Azerbaijan tries to politicize the issue of the prisoners – Arman Tatoyan

Panorama, Armenia
April 30 2021

Azerbaijan is trying to mislead the international community and turn the legal issue of the Artsakh war prisoners into a political matter," Armenia's Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan stated at parliament on Friday. In Tatoyan's words, in the occurred situation Armenia's message to the international community should be that the conflict has not ended and any person held in Azerbaijan is a prisoner. 

The Ombudsman stressed that no leadership in Armenia has ever spread hatred against the Azerbaijani people, while in Azerbaijan the opposite is taking place. Tatoyan reminded that neither criminal prosecution not detentions are applicable against war prisons, while Azerbaijan intentionally does the opposite to keep the Armenian public under pressure. The Ombudsman noted that the issue of the prisoners causes sufferings to the families.   

"I personally met and talked to prisoners who returned from Azerbaijani captivity and have full understanding what sufferings they had passed through," said Tatoyan, declining to publicize the accounts. 

The primary task of Armenia is to show to the international community that Azerbaijan runs the same genocidal policy against Armenians that had been used by the Ottoman leaders as it constitutes with all definitions of religious and ethnic hatred.