Baku reacts to Yerevan’s appeal to CSTO in connection with provocations in Syunik Province, Armenia

The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry reacted to Yerevan's appeal to the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) in connection with the sabotage penetration of the Azerbaijani armed forces into the territory of Armenia.

The Foreign Ministry of Azerbaijan called the actions of Yerevan an attempt to politicize the issue.

According to TASS, Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov hastened to contact the CSTO current head and assured that Armenia’s appeal to the CSTO has no grounds.

According to Bayramov, the leadership of the State Border Service of Azerbaijan was immediately  sent to the scene of the incident, where negotiations were held with Armenian border guards. 

The Azerbaijani Foreign Minister said that such incidents should be resolved by political methods and through negotiations.