Categories: 2021

Armenian authorities treacherously failed all opportunities of organization of Armenia’s self-defense – expert

Aysor, Armenia

Syunik is external border for Iran, political analyst Suren Sargsyan wrote on Facebook.

“It is an entry to the EAEU (which [Iran] wants to join to). The only land border with the EAEU. If Iran loses this border it becomes fully dependent on Turkey (NATO). Iran also looses the road to Europe independent from Turkey (through Armenia and Georgia),” Sargsyan wrote, adding that above he also described the interest of the USA and Israel.

The expert writes that Syunik gives Turkey opportunity to implement its “Big Turan” project which will essentially raise Turkey’s influence in the Islamic and Turkic world – Turkey will become global super power (like the USA and China).

“Apart from it the oil-gas resources of Middle Asia countries (and not only Middle Asian) will pass through Syunik (which could become part of Azerbaijan or Turkey) as a result of which in the issue of energy bearers Europe will depend not only on Russia like it is now, but exclusively on Turkey,” the analyst wrote, adding that it is about Russia’s interest.

“Together with it Russia’s influence will essentially reduce not only in Europe but in the Middle Asia. Alongside, Russian base in Syunik means military base under Turkey’s nose with all the stemming consequences,” Sargsyan wrote.

"Here is a historical reference. Back in 1992 Turkey’s President Ozal Bush was convincing to exchange Karabakh with Syunik. “Karabakh – to Armenians, Syunik to Azerbaijan. All the pipelines are going to Russia or are passing through Russia’s territory. Even now Turkmen gas passes through Russia. With the help of my plan we can unite this pipeline through Azerbaijan to Turkey and take to Europe. These states need to go out to Europe not through Russia’s territory.”

The most painful in all this is that the Armenian authorities have treacherously failed all the opportunities of organization of Armenia’s self-defense,” Sargsyan noted.

Tatoyan Vazgen: