Head of Armenian parliament underlines inadmissibility of encroachments in CSTO responsibility zone




YEREVAN, MAY 17, ARMENPRESS. The delegation led by the Speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan being on an official visit in the Russian Federation had an expanded meeting with their Russian colleagues led by the Speaker of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly Vyacheslav Volodin, ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the parliament of Armenia.

Welcoming the Armenian Delegation, the Speaker of the State Duma has underlined that the relations between the two countries continue developing based on the dialogue and strategic partnership. He has added the Russian side highly assesses the Armenian-Russian relations, expressing confidence that the contacts in parallel with overcoming the pandemic will more activate at different levels.

Thanking the Speaker of the State Duma for the invitation of the official visit to Moscow, the President of the National Assembly Ararat Mirzoyan in his turn has emphasized that the Armenian-Russian cooperation dynamically develops.

The Speaker of the Parliament of Armenia presented to his Russian colleagues the situation existing around the Nagorno Karabakh, reminded them that until now Azerbaijan had not completely implemented the provision regarding the return of the prisoners of war and other detainees stipulated by November 9 tripartite statement. Touching upon the intrusion of the armed forces of Azerbaijan to the RA territory, the inadmissibility of any encroachment in the territory of the Republic of Armenia, and hence, in the territory of the CSTO responsibility was underlined.

The sides reached an agreement to discuss the abovementioned issues on the relevant multi-lateral platforms.

During the meeting the members of the two delegations exchanged ideas over the agenda of the Armenian-Russian relations, the expansion of the relations in a number of directions on bilateral and multilateral platforms.