Border incident should be solved esxclusively through political-diplomatic methods – Putin speaks with Aliyev




YEREVAN, MAY 19, ARMENPRESS. President of Russia Vladimir Putin held a phone conversation with Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev, ARMENPRESS was informed from the Kremlin.

During the conversation the sides continued discussing the situation over Nagorno Karabakh. The necessity to solve issues aimed at ensuring security and stability in the region in line with the November 9, 2020 and January 11, 2021 statements was particularly emphasized.

In this context, a special reference was made to the situation on Armenia-Azerbaijan border. The general understanding is that the solution of the situation should take place through exclusively political and diplomatic methods. The Russian side will continue mediation efforts and providing consultation for the goal of launching delimitation and demarcation of state border between Armenia and Azerbaijan.