Armenian ombudsman carries out fact-finding mission in Gegharkunik

Panorama, Armenia

The team of Armenia’s Human Rights Defender (Ombudsman) Arman Tatoyan carried out fact-finding mission on May 15 in the village of Verin Shorzha in Vardenis community of Armenia’s Gegharkunik Province and the adjacent pastures, as well as in Kut village of Geghamasar community in relation to gross violations of border residents’ rights because of illegal presence of Azerbaijani military in the sovereign territory of Armenia from May 12.

“Evidence acquired by fact-finding activities of the human rights defender on illegal acts of Azerbaijani military confirms the absolute necessity for the ombudsman’s proposal on security zone to guarantee rights of Armenia’s border residents,” the ombudsman’s office said.

“The results of the visit will be summarized, and steps will be taken to protect the rights of the border residents of Armenia,” it added.