Categories: 2021

Armenia’s opposition 5165 Movement leader: Pashinyan is professional liar deceiving the people to carry out orders

News.am, Armenia

If any political force continues to carry out activities for political dividends and fails to support the claim to annul the document to be signed between Armenia and Azerbaijan at this moment, that political force will deprive itself of the right to defend Armenia tomorrow. This is what founding director of “Armenian Knight” Charitable Foundation for Education and Upbringing Karin Tonoyan said during a conversation with Armenian News-NEWS.am.

“It doesn’t matter to me who will come to power, but what will they rule over, if there is no land? Once again, we Armenians are dealing with a professional liar who is carrying out all the instructed programs with blurred politics and by deceiving the people. It’s clear that his goal is to collaborate with Aliyev. Is there anyone who doesn’t understand that Aiyev is the chief of staff of Nikol Pashinyan? The reason why is because Nikol Pashinyan is more than favorable for the Azerbaijanis and their leadership. Whoever the next leader will be and no matter how much he loves the Azerbaijanis, he will have to carry out other activities in order to maintain his position. I’m more than certain that Nikol Pashinyan has an agreement with Aliyev, and the trespassing of the border was an agreement according to which the Azerbaijanis will cross the border, exert psychological pressure on the people, and Armenia will be forced to give consent to all agreements since the people will be afraid of war. Otherwise, why has Nikol Pashinyan ordered not to open fire? The people are to blame more than Nikol Pashinyan because if you are deceived, you are to blame. I want the people to understand that the fate of Armenia depends on them. What else needs to happen for the people to stand up?” she said.

According to Tonoyan, the process of demarcation of the borders between Armenia and Azerbaijan that the authorities of Armenia are planning to launch, will pose serious dangers for Armenia. According to her, as a result of demarcation, Armenia might be deprived of strategic roads and even water resources.

“They lowered the level of education of the people to the degree that people don’t understand what the authorities are doing to them. The people listen and say, it’s ok, things will be clear after a few years, we’ve been adjusting borders with Georgia for 30 years, we’ll live with the Azerbaijanis too, the authorities say Armenia will retrieve Artsvashen. However, in exchange of Artsvashen, Armenia will transfer a few villages. Armenia will transfer the main villages of Tavush Provinces, along with lakes, reservoirs, forests, and half of Tavush Province, not to mention Tigranashen village of Ararat Province, which is on a strategic road that will cut Armenia from Vayots Dzor and Syunik. The only road left will be the road to Vedi, and we know what it means to have only one road, especially in a country that is doomed to be in a war constantly,” she stated.

According to Karin Tonoyan, the newly established “5165” Movement that she is leading is aimed at awakening citizens and making them realize that Armenians are losing their homeland.

“We will guide the people and reach a point where the document will not be signed. In addition, we have set up a border protection committee, which has been joined by various initiatives. We have developed a clear-cut plan that shows how we will help soldiers on the border and how we will demand the Ministry of Defense to perform its functions. We will also find solutions through which we can liberate our country from the incumbent authorities,” she added.

The Movement will hold a rally at Charles Aznavour Square in Yerevan tomorrow.

Hagop Kamalian: