Categories: 2021

Newspaper: President is busy with asphalt, lighting while enemy improves its positions in Artsakh

News.am, Armenia
May 19 2021

YEREVAN. – Hraparak daily of Armenia writes: For several days now, there has been information on the Internet that the Azerbaijani armed forces have advanced their positions in Artsakh, too; moreover, they have tried in several directions at once, but have advanced several hundred meters in the Karvachar section.

Although the Artsakh law enforcement agencies—not yielding to their Armenia counterparts—disseminate denials, the representatives of the opposition confirm this news. Davit Galstyan, the leader of Artsakh’s "Justice" Faction, told us that the news is real. “I have also heard that the Azerbaijanis have registered positional improvements in recent days at the section of Karvachar, Jermuk, under the guise of 'adjusting the borders' and deploying outposts.” According to the information, the Russian peacekeepers have prevented their advance in other directions.

While the Azerbaijanis are plunging into our territory, Artsakh President Arayik Harutyunyan, following the example of [Armenia’s acting PM] Nikol Pashinyan, is busy strengthening his own position. In Artsakh, active asphalting works are going on, streets are being illuminated; for example, the Stepanakert-Askeran road.

Jirair Kafian: