Speaker of Parliament of Armenia receives Ambassador of Argentine




YEREVAN, MAY 26, ARMENPRESS. On May 26, Speaker of Parliament of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Argentine to Armenia Mariano Vergara, the Parliament told Armenpress.

Welcoming the guest, the Speaker of the Parliament congratulated him on beginning his diplomatic mission and wished him fruitful activity: “I am sure that you will have an important contribution and will promote the development of the relations between the two countries.” Mirzoyan congratulated the Ambassador on the occasion of one of the national holidays in Argentina, May Revolution yesterday, on May 25.

According to Mirzoyan, despite the geographical big distance, the relations between the two countries are friendly, and constructive political dialogue exists. In this context, the Speaker highlighted the strengthening of the inter-parliamentary ties and the activities of the Parliamentary Friendship Groups.

“Mr Ambassador, you are in Armenia in a very hard period for us. You know that in the previous autumn Azerbaijan supported by Turkey and the involvement of the mercenaries unleashed war against the Armenians of the Nagorno Karabakh, during that period committing military crimes, targeting the civilian population, the infrastructures and using banned weapons. As a result, though the ceasefire regime has been established, but Azerbaijan continues violating the norms of the international humanitarian law, the provisions of the Geneva Convention, not releasing Armenian prisoners of war, suing false criminal cases towards the latter. We expect that all our international colleagues, being led by humanitarian aspirations, should immediately raise their voice and interfere into this issue,” Ararat Mirzoyan underlined.

According to the Head of the Parliament, Azerbaijan continues its Armenophobic policy and the aggressive anti-Armenian statements and actions, which shows that the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh cannot ever safely live in the part of that country: “To our conviction, the security of the NK Armenian population can be ensured exclusively by the recognition of the right to their self-determination.”

Mirzoyan also touched upon the intrusion of the Azerbaijani soldiers into Armenia’s sovereign territory and the statements of numerous countries on it, according to them, Armenia’s territorial integrity cannot be put under doubt and the Azerbaijani troops must immediately leave.

Thanking the Parliament Speaker for the reception, Mariano Vergara has noted that Armenia is an important country for Argentina, especially taking into consideration the presence of the great number of Armenians in the community. The Ambassador reaffirmed the position of Argentina on the fact that any conflict should be solved exclusively through diplomatic way: “We shall certainly respect the norms of the international humanitarian law and the provisions of the relevant Convention.”

At the end of the meeting the Ambassador conveyed the messages of the President of Argentina and the Minister of Foreign Affairs dedicated to the 106th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.