Categories: 2021

Pashinyan suggests withdrawing both Armenian, Azerbaijani forces from Sotk-Khoznavar section, deploy intl. observers




YEREVAN, MAY 27, ARMENPRESS. Caretaker Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan suggested at the Security Council session that both Armenian and Azerbaijani forces should be withdrawn from Sotk-Khoznavar section of the border for easing border tensions, where international observers should be deployed with the involvement of representatives of Russia or the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair countries.  

''If the situation is not solved, the provocations can inevitably lead to large-scale clashes. For that reason I suggest a diplomatic and peaceful solution to the situation, addressing an open proposal to the international community and the leadership of Azerbaijan. The proposal is the following – we reach an agreement that units of the armed forces of both sides withdraw from the border very quickly and return to their permeant bases, and international observers are deployed in those areas with the involvement of representatives of Russia or the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair countries. After that delimitation works will take place under the auspices of the international community'', Pashinyan said. 

Vanyan Gary: