Categories: 2021

Robert Kocharyan: We see serious prerequisites for building a firm statehood

Panorama, Armenia

Second President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan extended congratulations on the Republic Day celebrated on May 28. The message reads:

“Dear compatriots,

I congratulate you on the Republic Day.

On May 28, 1918, after a centuries-old and heavy breaks, the Armenian statehood was eventually restored. This is one of the brightest chapters of our modern history, written by the collective will of our people, heroic efforts and blood of its best sons.

Historical parallels are always arbitrary. However, the current situation in Armenia is no longer characterized by just a domestic political crisis, but by a crisis of statehood. Our whole nation is now facing the imperative of saving our statehood. Since 28 May 1918, we have experienced moments harder than this.

But today we are full of determination, unlike the current authorities that bring disgrace and kneel down [before the enemy]. We see serious prerequisites for building a firm statehood, resetting the disintegrated government institutions and the life of our society as a whole.

Rest assured that we, as a nation, will overcome these ordeals with honor, rebuilding the Republic of Armenia and leading the country to new heights.” 

Janet Ekmekjian: