Categories: 2021

Belgian Parliament calls for immediate release of all Armenian POWs

Public Radio of Armenia

The Belgian Parliament unanimously adopted a resolution calling on Azerbaijan to immediately release all remaining Armenian prisoners, including civilians, in accordance with Article 8 of the November 9, 2020 statement on ceasefire and conventions, the Armenian National Committee of Belgium informs.

The Parliament strongly condemned the numerous allegations of torture of prisoners.

The Parliament called on the federal government to take appropriate measures to support the immediate, unconditional release and safe return of all remaining Armenian captives by Azerbaijan.

According to the European Court of Human Rights, 188 prisoners of war are still in Azerbaijan. The ceasefire agreement signed on November 9 provided for the immediate and full exchange of prisoners. However, Azerbaijan not only failed to release the captives, but also arrested other Armenian soldiers and civilians in the days following the end of the fighting. Armenia, in turn, released all prisoners of war as soon as the fighting ended.

In addition, on Thursday, May 27, Azerbaijani forces captured six more Armenian servicemen on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. This follows the recent incursions into the Armenian territory at several points of the border.

The Armenian Committee of Belgium calls on the government to back the request of the parliament and to intervene to ensure the immediate release of all Armenian prisoners.

Emil Karabekian: