Europe demands release of hostages

Church Militant
by Trey Blanton  •  •     

Fake Catholic Joe Biden is the first president to recognize as a genocide the 1915 atrocities committed by the Turks against the Armenians. A little over a week later, however, Biden violated international law by sending military aid to Azerbaijan, which is participating in the ongoing genocide. Church Militant's Trey Blanton shows how Biden is assisting in the continuation of the Armenian genocide.

Azerbaijan, a majority-Muslim nation of Turkish descent, violated again on Thursday (local time) the ceasefire agreement with Armenia — Azeri forces captured six Armenian soldiers in Armenian territory along the disputed border between the two nations.

Jerry Tutunjian, editor with the Canadian-Armenian news site, responded to Azerbaijan's blaming of  Armenia.

Tutunjian: "Armenia is in no position to be aggressor. It's a defeated country. It is Azerbaijan who is provoking Armenia to have an excuse to take more land."

This latest aggression comes a week after the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly against Azerbaijan, demanding the unconditional release of more than 200 known prisoners of war (POWs).

In the Parliament's resolution, Azerbaijan stands accused of abusing prisoners and promoting hate by displaying war trophies in a museum. Tutunjian, however, feels the resolution is insufficient.

Tutunjian: "These are meaningless words. They are diplomatic words which have no teeth. When they say we deplore, we regret, we reproach, it means nothing unless there is force or threat behind it."

This action [by the European Parliament] is in stark contrast to unelected Biden's actions of waiving Section 907 of the Freedom Support Act, which prevents sending military aid to Azerbaijan if it violates human rights.

The Genocide Convention places a legal obligation on nations, including America, to punish countries committing genocide. Biden rightly recognized the atrocity, but now he's complicit in it.

Church Militant has received many more photos and video — too graphic to show — of Azerbaijan soldiers torturing and brutally killing Armenians.