Azerbaijan is preparing for a new war – Edgar Elbakyan

Panorama, Armenia

"If Armenia's de facto authorities agree to sign the second capitulation agreement on delimitation with Azerbaijan based on topographic maps of the  General Staff of the Soviet Union, we will have new territorial losses, violation of our dignity and an identity crisis," Co-Founder of "Armenian project" scientific-educational NGO Edgar Elbakyan told reporters during the trip to Tavush province. In Elbakyan's words, in case of these negative developments, the enemy will get three enclaves – Sofulu, Barkhudarlu and Upper Voskepar.  

"If these settlements are surrendered and the contact line is moved further into the territory of Armenia, it would cross near the Holy Mother of God Church of the 7th century, while Voskepar village will be circled by the enemy border. Moreover, the 2-km long section of the highway, connecting Armenia with Georgia, will also fall under the control of the enemy," said Elbakyan.  

The expert went on suggesting that in that case the population will migrate from Voskepar village amid lack of security guarantees. Moreover, the village will face shortage in irrigation water as it receives water from Upper Voskepar. Two houses from Kirants village may also be handed over to the enemy, as those are part of the enclave, while Acharkut village will occur in a blockade. 

"Another major damage coming from possible delimitation agreement is the change of the frontline in Tavush and Ararat bordering with Nakhijevan, which will be another blow to the Armenian army," added Elbakyan. In the words of the expert, the agreement seeks a long-term goal of depriving Armenia of any potential to resist as the two major routes connecting Armenia with Iran and Georgia will fall under Azerbaijani control. 

"Azerbaijan pursues long-term and short-term goals, getting prepared for the next war," said Elbakyan, adding any person who has understanding of the regional priorities can predict a futre war that may also ensure Armenia's revenge. In his words, Armenia should get prepared for the war as well which is impossible without reconsidering of the Artsakh issue. The latter should be addressed through diplomatic means, revitalizing the institute of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairmanship.