Categories: 2021

Military expert Tigran Abrahamyan reacts to Pashinyan’s statement on Armenia’s defeat in war

Panorama, Armenia

Military expert Tigran Abrahamyan, the head of the analytical center Henaket, on Monday reacted to caretaker Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's statement on Armenia’s defeat in last year’s war in Artsakh.

“Nikol Pashinyan’s statement that he is proud of our defeat in the war amounts to self-incrimination,” he wrote on Facebook.

Incidentally, Abrahamyan is on the list of candidates of the Armenia bloc running in the snap parliamentary elections slated for June 20.

“This statement should mark the last chapter of his tenure in political, legal and moral terms,” he said.

The expert stated Pashinyan’s statement made the “real mission of his image” and the reasons for Armenia’s defeat in the war clear to the Armenian society.

“Not only should he not be re-elected, but also he should not have the opportunity to participate in the public and political life of the country.

“Even in this seemingly hopeless situation, Armenia and Artsakh have a chance of revival, which is based on the total absence of Pashinyan from our life,” Abrahamyan said. 

Kanayan Tamar: