Categories: 2021

Armenia ex-President Sargsyan nephew acquitted

News.am, Armenia
June 1 2021

YEREVAN. – The Court of General Jurisdiction of Yerevan on Tuesday made a decision to terminate the criminal prosecution against Hayk Sargsyan, the nephew of third President Serzh Sargsyan of Armenia.

According to the court decision, Hayk Sargsyan was acquitted of the charge under the Criminal Code article on "illegal acquisition and possession of weapons and ammunition," and the statute of limitations was applied for the charge under the article of "attempted murder," which had been re-qualified under the article on "negligently causing grievous bodily harm." In fact, the court acquitted Hayk Sargsyan under one article, but found him guilty under another.

On September 10, 2018, the court had granted the motion of Hayk Sargsyan's lawyer and released him on bail.

To note, the prosecution in the case had demanded 7 years of imprisonment for Hayk Sargsyan.

Sonya Jalatian: