US Department of State responds to Pashinyan’s proposal to deploy international observers on Armenia-Azerbaijan border, Armenia
June 2 2021

As a Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, the US is strongly committed to the principle of working with the parties to achieve a long-term political settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and urges the parties to return to the Minsk Group Co-Chairs-led talks as soon as possible.

In response to’s question for an opinion on acting Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan’s proposal to overcome the crisis created after the appearance of Azerbaijani Armed Forces in Gegharkunik Province, an official of the US Department of State said the following:

“The US is concerned about the recent events that took place on the interstate border between Armenia and Azerbaijan, including the detention of a few Armenian servicemen by the Azerbaijani troops. We call on both parties to resolve the incident quickly and in peace. The US is ready to support these efforts.” The official also recalled the US State Department’s May 27 statement.

Azerbaijani troops have been in Armenia’s territory for over two weeks now. They have invaded in several directions and aren’t leaving. Moreover, incidents take place on a regular basis (gunshots were fired, an Armenian serviceman was killed, 6 Armenian servicemen were encircled in Gegharkunik Province and captured by Azerbaijani troops.

To resolve the crisis, acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan offered the international community and the President of Azerbaijan to pull out the troops of both parties and move them to the line of contact in the sector between Sotk of Gegharkunik Province and Khoznavar village of Syunik Province. He proposed to deploy observers of Russia or co-chairing countries of the OSCE Minsk Group, after which the borders will be adjusted along with those observers.