Categories: 2021

Las Vegas Community Marks Independence Day

June 4, 2021

More than 150 supporters, community members and organizational representatives, among them Reverent Artsakh Badoyan, the parish priest of the St. Garabed Armenian Church attended the event. Some 30 supporters traveled from Los Angeles to attend the event and support the Las Vegas community.

Jasmine Saroyan welcomed the community on behalf of the ARF Ishkhan Chapter and highlighted the importance of May 28 and Armenian Independence.

In her remarks, ARF Western U.S. Central Committee chair Dr. Carmen Ohanian highlighted the instrumental role the ARF had in establishing independence 103 year ago, adding that today, more than ever, that spirit of independence must guide us to ensure new victories given the current state of our homeland. ARF Central Committee members Harut Mekerdichian and Toros Z. Kejejian also attended the event.

While in Vegas, the ARF Central Committee representatives had the opportunity to meet with community leaders and also were welcomed by Rev. Badoyan to the St. Garabed Church.

During the event, Raffi Badoyan was joined by the members of the local Hamazkayin chapter in performing patriotic songs.

Ani Basmajian: