Categories: 2021

US reclaims Turkey for the Western alliance

Asia Times

[Turkey’s importance as a 'swing state' in US regional strategy has
increased dramatically as tensions rise with Russia]

 By MK Bhadrakumar

Less than 48 hours will separate US President Joe Biden’s meeting with
his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Brussels from his
summit with Vladimir Putin at Geneva on June 16. In between falls the
shadow of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit. This
is simply exquisite as far as planning of sequential activities go in

Biden’s meetings in Brussels and Geneva are, arguably, the most
consequential “bilaterals” he’ll be having in this entire eight-day
trip to Europe. The two events have variables, but their correlation
is not in doubt.

Most of the issues that will figure in Biden’s meeting with Erdogan
are related to Russia. Even when some US-Turkey issues do not directly
concern Russia, they do affect Russia’s vital interests.

The advantage goes to Biden insofar as the personal chemistry between
Erdogan and Putin is no longer what it used to be. Turkish-Russian
relations are fraught with growing friction on several fronts.

On the other hand, Turkey’s importance as a “swing state” in the US
regional strategy has increased dramatically, even as US-Russia
tensions spiked in recent months. The Biden administration’s
diplomatic overture to Turkey needs to be assessed from such a

Without doubt, there are major differences in the Turkey-US
relationship. Both sides have a long list of problems. But the good
part is that the two sides are realistic and willing to focus on areas
where partnership is possible. Both have a sense of urgency to mend
their relationship.

Biden and Erdogan know each other well and their private conversation
can help turn a new page in the relationship. Conceivably, they will
aim for a relatively achievable relationship. In sum, manage
differences and revive the partnership – that is going to be the
leitmotif of the Biden-Erdogan meeting on Monday.

The differences are of three categories: political, geopolitical and
personal. On the political-personal part, the crux of the matter is
that Erdogan deeply distrusts US intentions toward Turkey and him
personally. The genesis of this estrangement is to be traced to former
president Barack Obama’s administration, and Biden happens to be
associated with it.

The manner in which the Obama administration coaxed Erdogan, who was a
close family friend of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, to join the
United States’ regime-change project in Syria and subsequently
disengaged itself from the project, leaving Turkey in the lurch,
profoundly upset Ankara.

Meanwhile, the US policy of assisting a faction of Syrian Kurds, the
YPG, began under the Obama administration, in 2014, and inevitably it
has been a ticking time bomb since then.

The strategic contradiction was simply far too much for Turkey to
accept – that the US got directly linked to a terrorist organization
that has long fought an insurgency against another NATO ally.

If that wasn’t bad enough, the failed coup attempt in 2016 to
overthrow Erdogan dealt a body blow to the Turkish-American
relationship. Turkey suspects that Obama was supportive of the coup
attempt and blamed the US for harboring the Islamist preacher Fetullah
Gulen. Washington simply stonewalled when Turks sought Gulen’s

Suffice to say, Erdogan’s efforts during the past five-year period to
strengthen Turkey’s strategic autonomy, to develop relations with
Russia and to work toward building up Turkey as one of the great
powers in the region fall in perspective.

On the geopolitical plane, a whole lot of issues have cropped up
stemming out of Erdogan’s independent foreign policies in recent
years, but the issue that has driven a wedge between the US and Turkey
is, principally, Turkey’s purchase of the Russian S-400 missile

Short of Turkey backing down on the S-400 missile deal with Russia,
Washington and Ankara are discussing some sort of mutually acceptable
formula such as the deployment of the missile system under US control
at the Incirlik airbase in southern Turkey, without any Russian
involvement in their operation and maintenance.

Turkey has reportedly given a written assurance to the Biden
administration that it will not activate the missile system. This
ingenious compromise could open a pathway for the lifting of the US
sanctions against Turkey under the Countering America’s Adversaries
Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), which would revive Turkish
participation in the manufacture of parts for Lockheed Martin’s F-35
stealth fighter and give gravitas to the overall relationship.

This reconciliation could well be a key outcome of the meeting in Brussels.

f the S-400 hurdle that bedeviled Turkish-American relations in recent
years can be overcome, Russia will be suffering a major setback in its
regional strategies all across the board – and, Putin personally risks
a loss of face just before his summit with Biden, as the turnaround in
Russia-Turkey relations through the past few years was Putin’s
personal achievement.

No doubt, with the US backing, Turkey can be expected to revert to a
role it adroitly performed in the Cold War era as the vanguard of
Western strategies against Russia. Even more so, for the first time in
its history, NATO can consolidate a presence in the Black Sea. Of
course, with Turkish backing, Ukraine can push back at Russia with new

Overall, it will be a game changer for US regional diplomacy in
Russia’s western and southwestern backyard. Interestingly, straight
after the meeting with Biden, Erdogan, in a symbolic move, will be
heading for the South Caucasus to visit the territories in
Nagorno-Karabakh that Turkey helped Azerbaijan conquer in recent

Suffice to say, the geopolitics of the regions surrounding Turkey are
at an inflection point. The US has an urgent need to get Turkey on
board with its strategy to counter Russia in the entire region
stretching from the Caucasus and the Black Sea to Ukraine and Poland,
apart from West Asia proper. Turkey is potentially the best regional
partner in the United States’ efforts to contain Russia and Iran.

Most important, Turkey’s cooperation is critical to counter Russia’s
growing force projection in the Mediterranean where the US has been
establishing new bases lately. Turkey and the US also have a
congruence of interests in keeping Russia out of Libya (which NATO
visualizes as the gateway for its future expansion plans into Africa).

Equally, Washington and Ankara are negotiating a deal for the
deployment of Turkish troops to ensure that Kabul airport remains
operational and accessible to the NATO countries even after the
withdrawal of the US forces from Afghanistan, which is expected next

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said last Monday that Turkey is
willing to undertake the mission if it receives financial, logistical,
and political support from its NATO allies. This promises to be a
major step in confidence-building between the US and Turkey.

Again, what role Turkey can play in Central Asia to advance US
interests remains to be seen. Interestingly, just before he leaves for
Brussels, Erdogan is hosting the newly elected president of
Kyrgyzstan, Sadyr Japarov, who has a reputation for being a staunch
nationalist and authoritarian ruler. Kyrgyzstan is a poor country with
few resources, but it borders China.

Evidently, Erdogan is also under pressure internally, as his party’s
popularity dropped lately and the Turkish economy is in bad shape, and
the public discontent is palpable. Turkey also has lost confidence
among its traditional friends and allies. Its relations with the
European Union are in stagnation and with Greece and France under

All said, Erdogan simply cannot afford an inconclusive meeting with
Biden. Erdogan’s strategy will be to promote Turkey as the United
States’ best regional partner. He has shown a willingness to act
against Russian interests. Erdogan hosted the leaders of Georgia,
Poland and Ukraine – all at odds with Russia – in quick succession
since April.

Erdogan has pledged full support for Georgia’s bid to join NATO,
sealed a drone contract with Poland and voiced all-around support for
Ukraine in its standoff with Russia. Also, Turkey took an active part
in NATO’s Steadfast Defender exercises in Romania at the end of May.

Make no mistake, Erdogan is playing for time to extend his rule for
another five years after the next election due in 2023. And he needs
Biden’s support. Erdogan is an experienced leader, and so is Biden. It
should not come as a surprise if they find common ground despite the
many disagreements between Washington and Ankara.


Vardan Badalian: