Categories: 2021

Film: Parajanov’s ‘Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors’ film named best of all time in the Ukrainian cinematography

Panorama, Armenia

Sergey Parajanov's  'Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors'  film has topped the list of the best Ukrainian films compiled according to results collected from international and local critics feedback.   

To note, Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors is based on the classic book by Ukrainian writer Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky. The film was Parajanov's first major work and earned him international acclaim for its rich use of costume and color. The film also features a detailed portrayal of Ukrainian Hutsul culture, showing not only the harsh Carpathian environment and brutal family rivalries, but also the various aspects of Hutsul traditions, music, costumes, and dialect.

The list published on the website of the Dovzhenko center features also 'Flights in Dreams and in Reality' directed by Ukrainian director of Armenian origin Roman Balayan. 
Jirair Kafian: