Newspaper: Authorities want to make radical changes in Armenia diplomatic corps, Armenia

YEREVAN. – Past daily of Armenia writes: Quite interesting developments are expected at the MFA [(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)]. The thing is that, at present, the given department is literally in a state of neglect. In fact, for about a month now, this structure has neither a minister nor deputy ministers.

Expert circles, including foreign [ones], record that all this is directly connected with the short-sighted and unpredictable foreign policy activities of [acting PM] Nikol Pashinyan and his [political] team. The press has recorded more than once that, actually, Pashinyan does not trust anyone and makes every decision virtually by himself.

The situation is the same in terms of foreign policy, too. The ministry was the last to be informed that this or that document is on the table for discussion. Moreover, according to our sources at the MFA, in recent times this department was hearing about even Pashinyan’s international visits, or a meeting with a foreign official, from an official statement.

According to Past newspaper’s information, the news being circulated that Pashinyan is going to appoint [ruling party member] Ruben Rubinyan as Minister of Foreign Affairs surprised and angered most of the diplomatic corps a lot. But he is not the only candidate, to put it mildly. According to our government sources, Pashinyan considers a priority the fact that whoever is appointed [foreign] minister should carry out radical reforms [at the MFA], and especially try to get rid of all those persons who are somehow connected or associated with the former authorities, as well as those who during this time have rebelled against him. In Pashinyan’s conviction, "such personnel have created this mess at the ministry."