Categories: 2021

Nothing changed in Kut borderline village after elections, village mayor says

Panorama, Armenia

"After elections no changes have taken place in Kut borderline village of Armenia's Gegharkunik province, as Azerbaijani servicemen are still deployed in the territory of Armenia and refuse to leave," the Head of Kut community Sima Chitchyan has told Yerkir Media daily. 

Chitchyan's comments came after reports suggesting the Azerbaijani forces were expected to leave the Armenian sovereign territory in Gegharkunik once the elections are over. 

"That is true. We hoped the they would leave the territories or would be forced to leave. We are waiting for the border demarcation process to start for us to continue our daily agricultural works. We hope the reports that the Azeris will leave after elections correspond to reality and we are waiting for that," Chitchyan has said. 

Asked whether representatives from relevant state bodies visit the village and what are the results of those visits, the head of the community said: "When Azeris stole the livestock, the governor of the province and his deputies visited the village and said they would address the matter. However, the livestock has not been returned yet and we have seen no results thus far. As you recall the Azeris even opened fire at our shepherds and it has turned out that our farmers can not even do agricultural work on their own land."

Garik Boshkezenian: