Page of rigging election results in Armenia irreversibly closed – acting PM

Aysor, Armenia
June 24 2021

The assessment of local and international observers of the conduction of parliamentary elections in Armenia is unequivocal – they passed in accordance with democratic standards, Armenia’s acting Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated at the cabinet sitting on Thursday.

He said a new criteria has been set.

“In 2018 when the elections took place the international community gave an unprecedented high assessment to them, that time there was a context that the results of the elections were obvious for all and the acting government had no need to rig them. The results of these elections were not predictable and all knew that we were conducting the most unpredictable elections in the history of the third republic and it is very important that we recorded our political will, system of values,” he said.

Pashinyan noted that the indisputability of the _expression_ of the free will of the voters is a cornerstone value for them.

“Of course, criminal cases have been filed on election bribes. I am sure they will undergo proper examination,” he said.

“But I want to believe that the page of rigging election results in Armenia has really irreversibly closed,” Pashinyan said.