Categories: 2021

Spanish Journalists Threatened By Azerbaijani Forces Near Armenia Border

June 24 2021
Spanish Journalists Threatened By Azerbijani Forces Near Armenia Border

24 June 2021 @ 19:26

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The team of journalists were reporting on their position close to the Azerbaijan border with Armenia, the Gegharkunik province.

Reporters Without Borders organisation condemned “this unacceptable act towards journalists” on their Twitter page, according to Armen Press.

Spanish Journalists Threatened By Azerbijani Forces Near Armenia Border

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Spanish Journalists Threatened By Azerbijani Forces Near Armenia Border

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This is not the first time journalists have come into trouble in a foreign country, in April this year two reporters were kidnapped and killed. Pedro Sanchez, the Spanish President, tweeted “the worst news is confirmed.”

Sanchez named the reporters as David Beriain and Roberto Fraile.

He tweeted: “All the affection for the relatives and friends of David Beriain and Roberto Fraile, murdered in Burkina Faso. And our recognition to those who, like them, carry out courageous and essential journalism from conflict zones on a daily basis.”

Arancha González Laya, the Spanish Foreign Minister, told journalists on Tuesday that although the information coming out of the West African country was “confusing,” everything indicated that two bodies found in the area were those of the missing journalists.

The two reporters were in the Pama area of the country making a documentary on poaching in the region, alongside an Irish citizen, González Laya said.

The area is very dangerous and a place where terrorist groups, poachers, bandits and jihadists operate, according to González Laya.

The reporters were involved in a patrol of around 40 Burkinabe anti-poaching troops, which was attacked by armed individuals.

Nyrie Kalashian: