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Step Toward Home: Diaspora youth explore Armenia

Public Radio of Armenia
June 24 2021    

Over 100 youth from eight countries have arrives in Armenia as part of the Step Toward Home program of the Diaspora High Commissioner’s Office.

During the first three days young people visited the Matenadaran depository of ancient manuscripts, Oshakan, AGBU Armenian Virtual College, and Tsitsernakaberd. They are taking courses of Armenian, Armenian song and dance.

The program’s participants viewed and learned about the Matenadaran’s ancient manuscripts, some of which were donated by Diaspora-Armenians.

In Oshakan, they visited the St. Mesrop Mashtots Church named after the inventor of the Armenian alphabet who is buried there.

At the AGBU Armenian Virtual College, the Diaspora-Armenian youth learned about available technologies for studying Armenian language and Armenian Studies.

Afterwards, the participants visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial, where they laid flowers in honor of the 1.5 million Armenians martyred during the 1915 Armenian Genocide.