Categories: 2021

Threatening international reporter, Azerbaijani soldiers try to conceal spread of the information about invading Armenia




YEREVAN, JUNE 26, ARMENPRESS. A reporter of an international media outlet has applied to the Human Rights Defender of Armenia that he received threats from the servicemen of the Azerbaijani armed forces near Upper Shorja village in Gegharkunik Province.

ARMENPRESS reports the Human Rights Defender of Armenia informs that the Azerbaijani servicemen who are no inside the territory of Armenia in the mentioned section threatened to kill the reporter, including by a sniper.

It has been found that the incident took place 2 kms inside the Armenian territories, where Armenian and Azerbaijani servicemen are located 600 meters away from each other. The reporter was just 100 meters away from the Azerbaijani soldiers, but the incident took place in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.

While carrying out his professional activities, the journalist noticed that the servicemen of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces were behaving aggressively, heard shouts, and then noticed that they were loading their weapons, holding them in his direction, threatening to shoot.

Another Azerbaijani serviceman started behaving more aggressively and irregularly, holding a sniper rifle and threatening to kill him with a shot in the face. The international journalist stopped working in order to avoid unpredictable consequences.

The journalist of the international media informed that they had a visible badge for the Azerbaijani armed forces, that they were a representative of the press, that they had observed all the rules of journalistic work.

The serviceman of the Azerbaijani armed forces tried to hamper the works of the international reporter and prevent the spread of the materials proving the invasion of Azerbaijani forces into the sovereign territory of Armenia. The reporter has also applied the ‘’Reporters Without Borders’’ international organization, which has already made a publication.

Due to the need for personal protection of the international journalist in connection with this particular incident, the Human Rights Defender of Armenia does not publish information about him, but they will be submitted to the relevant international bodies after a joint discussion with the journalist.

Ani Basmajian: