Russia’s Civic Chamber members take part in observing elections in Armenia

RAPSI – Russian Legal Information Agency
June 22 2021
15:19 22/06/2021

MOSCOW, June 22 (RAPSI) — A delegation of Russia’s Civic Chamber has participated in the monitoring of the process of _expression_ of the will of citizens during the recent parliamentary elections held in Armenia.

Chairman of the Civic Chamber Commission on security and cooperation with public supervisory commissions Alexander Vorontsov said that together with member of the Chamber’s Commission on accessible environment and inclusive practices development Vladimir Zhuravlev, he visited more than 20 polling stations in different districts of Yerevan. 

It could be declared that the work of election commissions was organized professionally, efficiently and responsibly, according to Vorontsov. The delegation carefully followed what was happening at each polling station, communicated with the chairpersons and members of precinct commissions, paid attention to observers from parliamentary parties and public associations, he added. “I would like to note that at each site that we visited, there were from five to 15 observers,“ the Commission Chair stressed.

Vorontsov added that after visiting the polling stations, the delegation of the Russian Civic Chamber visited the Armenian Central Election Commission, where they met with its secretary.

Zhuravlev noted that the main aspects of the elections in Armenia were transparency and control by observers, both local and foreign ones, adherence to the electoral code, which provides for the openness of the voting procedure and the impossibility of distorting the will of the country's residents. 

The Chamber’s commission chair stressed that the work in Armenia was yet another successful experience of international observation carried out by members of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation. 

Members of the Chamber took part in monitoring the elections in Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Syria, USA, Ukraine, South Ossetia and other countries.