Categories: 2021

Tribute paid in Yerablur on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the Missing in action




YEREVAN, JUNE 29, ARMENPRESS. Tribute was paid at Yerablur military pantheon on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the Missing in action. The event was attended by Deputy Defense Minister Arman Sargsyan, high ranking military officials, representatives of military-linked NGOs, relatives and friends of missing in action.

As ARMENPRESS was informed from the press service of the Defense Ministry, a requiem service was delivered at the monument dedicated to the missing in action by Father Movses Vardapet Sargsyan, the religious leader of the Armed Forces.

Vardan Avetisyan, the advisor to the Defense Minister, said that the Defense Ministry will always support the families of the servicemen whose fates are unknown, but their feats of protecting their motherland are known.  

Chairman of ''Council of the Deceased and Missing servicemen’’ NGO Rima Arakelyan expressed gratitude the representatives of the Defense Ministry and the Armed Forces and all those who spare no efforts for revealing the fates of the missing.

The particip[ants of the event paid tribute and laid flowers at the monument dedicated to the servicemen missing in action.

Jane Topchian: