Asbarez: Appeal to Help Armenians in Lebanon

The severe economic crisis, once again, is wreaking havoc on the lives of our Armenian sisters and brothers in Lebanon. The lack of the most basic essentials on a daily basis, coupled with the severe scarcity of food and medicine pose a grave threat to our compatriots. Lebanon’s Armenian community, which during the last century has been the pillar of our national aspirations and struggle, needs immediate support and assistance from every Armenian.

As has been the case with all national crises, once again, Armenian community members in the Western United States are facing the imperative to provide immediate assistance to Lebanon’s Armenian community, hand-in-hand and committed to the “One Nation. One Future” motto.

The ARF Western U.S. Central Committee will devote all its capabilities to this effort and calls on the community to embrace this cause.

ARF Western U.S. Central Committee