Categories: 2021

Congressman Schiff urges State Department to pressure Azerbaijan to abide by ceasefire

Panorama, Armenia
July 29 2021

Congressman Adam Schiff condemned Azerbaijan's latest attack against Armenia, killing 3 Armenian soldiers.

“Reports that Azerbaijani Armed Forces violated the ceasefire agreement with Armenia, killing three Armenian soldiers and seriously wounding two others at the border are alarming. If true, this would constitute yet another deadly act of aggression by Azerbaijan that, if allowed to escalate, could result in further violence, death, and destruction,” he wrote on Facebook on Wednesday.

“We must acknowledge the fact that continued United States assistance to the Aliyev regime in Azerbaijan provides no disincentive to their aggression and poses an imminent threat to Armenians. I’m urging the Department of State and Secretary Blinken to speak out about the events of the last 24 hours, and pressure Azerbaijan to abide by the ceasefire. The United States should never provide military funds or support to a country that routinely violates human rights and encroaches on the independence of its neighbor. It’s time for accountability,” Schiff said.

The Armenian Defense Ministry said later on Wednesday that four Armenian servicemen had been wounded in the Azerbaijani attack.

An agreement on restoring the ceasefire on the Gegharkunik section of the Armenian-Azerbaijan border was reached at the mediation of the command of Russian peacekeeping forces on Wednesday. The ceasefire went into effect at 10am local time.

However, the Azerbaijani forces again violated the ceasefire early on Thursday, opening fire at the Armenian positions, as a result of which another Armenian soldier was injured. The situation on the border area was calm as of 9:30am.

Yeghisabet Vorskanian: