Categories: 2021

Security expert urges Armenian authorities to reveal details of Moscow talks, ceasefire agreement

Panorama, Armenia
July 29 2021

Security expert, I’m Honored bloc MP Tigran Abrahamyan urges the authorities to reveal details of the Moscow talks mentioned in the Defense Ministry’s statement and the terms of the Russian-brokered ceasefire with Azerbaijan.

An agreement restoring the ceasefire at the Armenian-Azerbaijan border was reached at the mediation of the command of Russian peacekeeping forces on Wednesday, hours after the Azerbaijani forces provoked clashes by attacking the Armenian positions at the Gegharkunik border section.

Earlier, the Defense Ministry of Armenia said the “adversary launched the attacks ahead of the talks in Moscow, Russia”.

“Not a single senior Armenian official has offered an explanation over the Moscow negotiations, which the Defense Ministry referred to in its statement yesterday and what the meeting was about,” Abrahamyan wrote on Facebook on Thursday.

“Moreover, no information has been provided on the terms or details of the ceasefire agreement reached with Moscow's mediation yesterday.

“So far, the leadership of Armenia has not expressed an official position on the package of proposals submitted to our country, with all possible countries revealing various details of it, except for Armenia,” the expert said.

Paul Hambardsumian: