Relatives of Armenian POWs gather near parliament building, demand inclusion of captives’ issue in agenda, Armenia
Aug 2 2021

The relatives of Armenian prisoners of war detained in Azerbaijan today gathered near the National Assembly with the demand that the return of the prisoners of war be included in the parliament’s agenda.

“We knew about the first session of the eighth convocation of the National Assembly and came here to call on including the issue of the prisoners of war in the agenda. All Armenian prisoners of war need to be hastily returned to Armenia through the deputies’ active efforts. Security and the return of Armenian prisoners of war to the homeland are the two major issues at this moment,” one of the relatives said, adding that they urge the National Assembly to work harder to ensure the captives’ return.

As far as the seventh convocation of the National Assembly is concerned, the relative stated that he can’t say that the deputies of the seventh convocation didn’t do anything at all, adding that there were deputies who were working day and night to solve he issue, and there were other deputies who were completely clueless.