Categories: 2021

The true motives behind Azerbaijani provocation will be revealed sooner or later – Tigran Abrahamyan

Panorama, Armenia
Aug 28 2021

Lawmaker from opposition "I have Honour" faction Tigran Abrahamyan commented on the recent actions of the Azerbaijani servicemen, who had blocked the interstate road leading from Goris to Kapan in Armenia's Syunik province. 

"Goris-Kapan interstate road is now open for traffic, yet it is unclear whether changes have been made for organisation and security of the traffic flow. My concerns stem not only from reports about possible change of game rules in the mentioned section but also from political component behind the Azerbaijani actions," Abrahamyan wrote on Facebook, adding; "Nonetheless, if relevant bodies do not present details of the talks  unblocking the road, the true motives behind Azerbaijani provocation will be revealed sooner or later." 

George Mamian: