Categories: 2021

Turkey sending ‘positive signals’ to Armenia, Yerevan will respond in kind – PM Pashinyan

Aug 28 2021

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said on Friday that Turkey has been sending “positive signals” to his country and that Yerevan will respond in kind, Turkey’s state-run Anadolu Agency reported.

“We will evaluate these gestures and respond to positive signals with positive signals,” Pashinyan said at a cabinet meeting.

His remarks came two days after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that “a new door of opportunity for peace has been opened” following last year’s Nagorno-Karabakh war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which saw the latter seize large parts of the disputed region from Armenian forces.

Erdoğan argued that in light of the new reality on the ground in Upper Karabakh, Armenia should seize the opportunity to repair ties with its neighbours. Turkey is close allies with Armenia’s rival Azerbaijan and sold it advanced weapons that Baku used against Armenian forces during last year’s conflict.

“If Armenia moves in line with this, Turkey will also act accordingly,” the Turkish president said on Wednesday, according to Anadolu.


Antranik Varosian: