Categories: 2021

Russian peacekeepers practiced actions at observation post upon detection of drones in Artsakh

Panorama, Armenia
Aug 30 2021

As part of a routine combat training session, Russian peacekeepers conducted a drill to prevent possible violations using unmanned aircraft of a simulated enemy and ensure security at observation posts in the Lachin (Berdzor) corridor of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh).

Training was held at six training locations. The servicemen practiced new tactics and actions when leaving the location, loading onto the BTR-82A armored personnel carrier, blocking the conditional intruder and maneuvering to the specified line, using the hidden folds of the terrain, as well as actions to prevent the peacekeepers from violating and a possible attack on the post, using the imitation means, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on Monday.

A feature of the training was the fulfillment of tasks to detect an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the area of responsibility of an observation post with the transfer of information to the command post of the Russian peacekeeping contingent through closed communication channels.

The training ended with a comprehensive training session with practical actions of military personnel and the development of tasks to maintain the combat readiness of the observation post.

Arsine Chaltikian: