ARMENPRESS congratulates Public Radio on 95th anniversary



 18:58, 1 September, 2021

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 1, ARMENPRESS. The Public Radio of Armenia is one of the leaders in the Armenian landscape, which today enters a new development era with the consolidated efforts of its team, Director of ARMENPRESS news agency Aram Ananyan said in the congratulatory message addressed to the Public Radio and its Director Garegin Khumaryan on the 95th anniversary of the establishment of the Public Radio.

‘’I heartily congratulate you and the entire staff of the Public Radio, its veterans and thousands of audience on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the Public Radio that has an invaluable role in our public life. Like in the past, today also the Public Radio is one of the leaders of Armenia’s media landscape, which today has entered into a new era of development with the consolidated efforts of your team’’, reads the congratulatory message of Aram Ananyan.

Ananyan noted that ARMENPRESS and Public Radio have a history of decades of cooperation. During this jubilee year the joint prodcast project ''A Fairy Tale Together'' came into life, in the sidelines of which the children of 11 ethnic minorities of Armenia presented their folk tales in Armenian language.

‘’Our rich history of partnership inspires confidence that our joint projects will be multiplied during the upcoming years. Congratulations once again, we wish you uninterrupted broadcasting, new creative success, health and peaceful sky’’, Director of ARMENPRESS Aram Ananyan said in his congratulatory message.