Executive Seminar on Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction in Armenia

USA Embassy in Armenia
Sept 2 2021
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With its long-standing partner, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) initiated the first workshop of the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Security Cooperation Engagement Program (CSCEP). Both partners committed to a program for enhanced training on CBRN preparedness and response.

After pandemic delays, the CSCEP team launched the Executive Seminar on Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in Armenia for representatives from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Defense, National Security Service, Food Safety Inspection Body, Police, and Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority. This three-day WMD seminar facilitated interagency information-sharing, national response policy review, and clarification of agency roles in emergencies, using presentations, practical exercises, and interactive discussions based on the real-world scenarios. The Ministry of Emergency Situations, as a coordinator of emergency activities, presented on Radiological, Chemical and Nuclear (RCN) security, communication, and response.

Collectively, there was a fruitful exchange of experience between Armenian agencies and US subject matter experts. Participants praised the value of holding similar executive seminars, as a platform for interagency policy discussions to coordinate in emergency situations.

US Defense Attaché, COL Pipes, Chief of the Defense Threat Reduction Office in Yerevan, MAJ Shields, and Bilateral Affairs Officer, MAJ Hayes, attended the seminar.

This executive seminar begins a series of DTRA-led trainings and workshops for Armenian partners within the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear fields.