Categories: 2021

Political analyst: It is decided in Moscow who will or will not visit Artsakh

News.am, Armenia
Sept 4 2021

YEREVAN. – After the Second Artsakh War, Armenia actually handed over to Moscow the keys to guaranteeing Artsakh's security. Political analyst Argishti Kiviryan said this at a press conference on Saturday.

"After the signing of the [trilateral (Armenian, Russian, Azerbaijani)] statement on November 9, 10 when the Russian peacekeeping military were deployed in Artsakh [(Nagorno-Karabakh)], Moscow is in fact the guarantor of Artsakh's security; and globally, it is decided in Moscow who will or will not visit Artsakh. After November 9, this issue is not decided in Yerevan, it is decided in Moscow," he added, in particular.

According to the analyst, the Armenia side in a very difficult situation today, and any irresponsible step can lead to new cataclysms for the Armenian people, especially now when the Armenian side does not have its security guarantor: the army.

"Well, it is clear that the lackeys of the [ruling] CC [Civil Contract Party of Armenia] who had gone [to Artsakh on the occasion of its Independence Day anniversary] would be greeted in that way by the Armenians of Artsakh. If the Armenians of Artsakh had greeted [them] even much more rudely, they would have done the right thing. Moreover, they were greeted rather mildly, since this catastrophe for the Armenians and the Armenian people happened as a result of the policy pursued by those people. Nobody says the previous [authorities] were right; but at that moment you were in power, you were not able to govern, hand over power," said Kiviryan.

Antranik Varosian: