Satik Seyranyan: Media and free speech may soon be declared a ‘class enemy’ in Armenia

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 1 2021

For a long time, both open and covert policy has been carried out against the media and free speech in Armenia, President of the Union of Journalists of Armenia Satik Seyranyan, the editor-in-chief of the 168 Zham newspaper and news site, told the discussion “Against the media restrictions, for the sake of freedom of speech and the right to be informed” on Wednesday.

She stated the government and its close circles overtly target journalists and the media outlets have long been divided into “friendly and hostile” categories for them.

Seyranyan noted that campaign against the media is being carried on several platforms, adding in particular, an attempt is made to significantly restrict the work of reporters through legislative amendments, with the situation in the National Assembly being a “vivid manifestation” of it.

“All this is carried out with blatant cynicism; the government introduces yet another outrageous restriction, then tries to leave the impression of being progressive and tolerant by imitating a discussion with media representatives,” she noted.

Stressing that hostility towards the media is generated on public platforms and in the media, Satik Seyranyan stated: “It seems that the media and free speech may soon be declared a class enemy, which prevents the authorities from exercising their beloved steel mandate.”

She underlined that the issue does not only concern journalists, but also reflects the socio-political situation, the attitude of the authorities towards human rights and freedoms.