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Azerbaijani press: Air route to Azerbaijan’s liberated Karabakh – Fuzuli International Airport [PHOTO]

By Trend

Under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijani army wrote the most glorious page in the history of Azerbaijan about a year ago – Karabakh was liberated following 30 years of occupation.

Large-scale work began in the liberated territories. One of the largest projects was the construction of a new airport in Fuzuli that meets international standards – an air gateway to Karabakh.

On January 14, 2021, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev laid the foundation for the Fuzuli Airport. The length of the runway is 3,000 meters, and the width is 60 meters.

The airport was built within the shortest possible period.

The test flight to Fuzuli international airport was carried out on September 5, and the first passengers of the largest passenger plane of Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL) – ‘Karabakh’ were media representatives.

The pilot of the plane, Farid Panahov, also said that he felt a pleasant excitement.

"Indeed, the construction of this airport, fully complying with international standards, is a great success, a historic event," Panahov said.

Fuzuli International Airport will play an important role in the development of Azerbaijan's economy, domestic and foreign tourism.

The opening of the airport also means keeping people busy.

Vice-president of Azerbaijan Airlines (AZAL) Eldar Hajiyev said that operation of the airport at full capacity will become possible by the end of September.

Thus, reconstruction work in Karabakh continues at a rapid pace. After the construction of the airport, objects and houses ruined by Armenians will be restored.

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