By Vafa Ismayilova

Baku has said that the Azerbaijani government continues to work to ensure the return of IDPs to their native lands liberated from Armenia's occupation in the last year's war.

"The government of Azerbaijan continues its work to ensure the safe and dignified return of IDPs to liberated territories," the Foreign Ministry said on its official Twitter account on September 6.

The ministry tweeted that 300 days have passed since the trilateral statement signed between Azerbaijan, Armenian and Russia on November 10, 2020.

The ministry also posted on its Twitter account a factsheet describing the major developments over the past 300 days. 

“More than 46,486 mines and unexploded ordnance [were] cleared from over 15,510 ha on the liberated territories. 160 Azerbaijani citizens have been killed or injured by mines laid by Armenia during the conflict. This includes two journalists and a government official who were killed in a fatal mine explosion whilst carrying out their duties,” the factsheet noted.

It underlined that the first international airport in liberated Fuzuli region has begun test flights and that two international airports are also under construction in Zangilan and Lachin regions.

The document stressed that Azerbaijan Airlines was among the first organizations to open job vacancies on the liberated territories, providing displaced communities returning to their homes in Karabakh with significant career opportunities.

The factsheet said that a master plan for the city of Aghdam was approved abs many iconic cultural buildings and historical monuments were restored in the city of Shusha. 

It noted that that the "smart village" project in Zangilan region's Aghai village had been launched and its finalization is planned for early 2022.

The document added that the restoration of agriculture in the liberated territories has been continuing successfully. Ameliorative measures and cultivation of crops (including perennial crops) were carried out. Measures have also been taken to develop livestock, as primary herds and bee families have been relocated to these areas.

The Azerbaijani government secured a perspective energy deal with British oil producer, BP, with plans to establish a solar energy production facility in the liberated lands. The deal is part of Azerbaijan's drive to implementing sustainable energy projects in the region.

A strategic roadmap encompassing railway infrastructure, roads and highways to increase the economic integration of the region's countries, as part of the trilateral statement's provision to unblock all economic and transport links in the region was prepared.

The Culture Ministry completed the inventory of 1,376 historical and cultural monuments (864 cultural institutions and 512 monuments and facilities of historical and archeological importance) in the liberated lands, including libraries, museums, music schools, cinemas, theatres, galleries. Almost all monuments and objects of historical, architectural, and archeological significance, cultural institutions have been completely demolished or vandalized.

Relevant agencies conducted a thorough assessment of the pollution caused by Armenian partnerships with international metals companies to the Okhchuchay river, which has led to the conditions dangerous to human health in Azerbaijan and other neighboring countries in the Caspian Sea, the factsheet said.