Ombudsman: Ilham Aliyev’s speeches generate Armenophobia and are obviously fascistic

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 7 2021

The Office of the Armenian Human Rights Defender has again registered excerpts from the public speeches of the President of Azerbaijan (given in Absheron on August 26, 2021, and in Shushi on August 31) which generate Aremonphobia and enmity. The materials in Armenian and English were sent to the National Assembly of Armenia, to the executive authorities as well as to the NGOs, for the purpose of suing them in their activities. 

As Ombudsman Arman Tatoyan reported, the studies of the Office of the Human Rights Defender and the monitoring of materials in Azerbaijani prove that the President of Azerbaijan continues to generate Armenophobia against the residents of Armenia and Artsakh, and the entire Armenian population by his public speeches and statements; the President of Azerbaijan threatens the Armenian population and makes insulting and aggressive expressions- his speeches are obviously fascistic.

"The killings, tortures and the atrocities that the servicemen of the Azerbaijani armed forces committed against the Armenian servicemen and civilians are the direct consequence of that policy. The violations of the rights of the border residents of Armenia are the direct consequences of that policy as well. Moreover, the monitoring proves that after each such speech or statement, shootings occur on the border villages of Armenia and on the Armenian positions located in their immediate vicinity; the tensions on the border increase, as a result of which servicemen are injured and killed," according to the statement. 

It is noted that the Office of the Human Rights Defender conducts a continuous study of the speeches and statements of the Azerbaijani authorities for the purpose of documenting the evidences of their policy of Armenophobia and enmity.

The materials are studied from their primary sources in Azerbaijani and conducted for the purpose of preventing human rights violations and eliminating existing ones.