Categories: 2021

National Democratic Axis Party to hold rally in Yerevan on Oct. 1

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 9 2021

The National Democratic Axis Pan-Armenian Party will hold an anti-government rally and a march in Yerevan on 1 October, resuming its “active struggle”.

In a statement on Thursday, the party said the move is conditioned by the imperative to prevent in every way possible the signing and implementation of “destructive documents by the treacherous regime” in the coming months.

It said the ultimate goal of its struggle is to “oust the regime” and form a national transitional government.

The first rally and march will be held on October 1, at 6pm, at the Liberty Square, it said.

"We urge our compatriots joining the struggle to take into account the fact that the process will be difficult and long, so it is necessary to be resilient and patient," the statement reads.

Antranik Varosian: