Azerbaijani names of Armenian towns make their way to Baku transport

PanArmenian, Armenia
Sept 11 2021

PanARMENIAN.Net - Azerbaijan has devised a new wave of aggression against Armenia, this time using public transport in capital Baku, Russian-Israeli blogger Alexander Lapshin reveals.

He published a photo taken on a bus or a subway car in Azerbaijan, which shows a screen with the name of the Armenian city, and the name of the same city used in Azerbaijan next to it.

"A friend sent this from Azerbaijan, they are propagating a new aggression against Armenia in public transport," Lapshin wrote on social media.

"The guy photographed the one including Vardenis, but as far as I understand, they have already renamed Yerevan, Vanadzor, Echmiadzin, Stepanavan and claimed [those towns as] their territory. This propaganda is being disseminated on all buses, in the metro and on the streets of Baku."

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev recently made fresh false historical claims against Armenia, charging that certain regions and settlements in Armenia should be called by their "original Azerbaijani names." Aliyev has claimed on numerous occasions that Yerevan, the province of Syunik and Lake Sevan in Armenia are all "Azerbaijan's historic lands". Back in April, while claiming that his statements didn't mean Azerbaijan had territorial claims against Armenia, he did say "we'll return there, why not?"