Categories: 2021

Opposition factions ask Armenian president to challenge legality of community enlargement bill in top court

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 28 2021

The opposition Armenia and With Honor factions in the Armenian parliament have asked President Armen Sarkissian to challenge the legality of the controversial bill on enlargement of communities in the Constitutional Court, the Armenia alliance said in a statement on Tuesday.

The package of bills on amendments and supplements to the law "On Administrative-Territorial Division of the Republic of Armenia" and the attached bills were adopted in haste at the National Assembly session on September 24, the bloc said. 

“In connection with this controversial process of community enlargement, the Armenia and With Honor factions have appealed to President Armen Sarkissian, proposing him to use the right and opportunity provided for in Part 1 of Article 129 of Armenia’s Constitution and to apply to the Constitutional Court to determine the compliance of the aforementioned laws with the Constitution.

“The justifications, set out in around 8 pages, indicate the factors and arguments that may serve as a basis for the president's appeal to the Constitutional Court,” reads the statement.

Alex Jidarian: