Categories: 2021

Opposition MP: Shushi’s Ghazanchetsots Cathedral to be named Ghazanchi in PACE resolution

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 28 2021

The Armenian authorities keep losing on the diplomatic front, Lilit Galstyan, a lawmaker from the opposition Armenia bloc, said in a Facebook post on Monday.

"As you know, by a recent decision of the Armenian authorities' favorite judge Anna Danibekyan, Armenia faction MP Armen Gevorkyan has been banned from leaving Armenia. Armen Gevorgyan, who is a member of the PACE delegation, was thereby deprived of his opportunity to participate in the PACE autumn session in Strasbourg,” she wrote.

She called attention to that fact that the agenda of the PACE session included an extremely important debate for Armenia and Artsakh over a report on the humanitarian impact of the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Only the members of the Armenian delegation, who represent the ruling Civil Contract party, took part in the session, Galstyan said.

In a resolution passed by the PACE at the proposal of the Azerbaijani delegation, the Holy Savior Ghazanchetsots Cathedral in Shushi, built in 1887 according to the plan of Simon Ter-Hakobyan, will be named Ghazanchi from now on, she noted.

“This is the destruction of our cultural identity in the presence of Armenian MPs.

“Ruben Rubinyan, head of the Armenian delegation to the PACE, how are you going to defend Armenia's interests further if you are unable to defend the obvious realities and historical truth?" the MP said.

Albert Nalbandian: