Armenia Protection Monitoring Report #5 July-August 2021 (Snapshot #1)

Sept 29 2021




29 Sep 2021


Originally published
28 Sep 2021


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UNHCR’s Protection Monitoring (PM) exercise is conducted on an ongoing basis to analyse trends in the protection environment and risks facing individuals in a refugee-like situation from Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding districts. It uses standard questionnaire to gain information on their protection situation, needs, and coping mechanisms.
Starting from July 2021, UNHCR implements protection monitoring in partnership with the Armenian Red Cross Society (ARCS). In addition,
UNHCR Protection Unit conducts systematic protection missions to locations with high concentration of people in a refugee-like situation from Nagorno- Karabakh to meet with various stakeholders, displaced families and to complement the quantitative analysis from the household interviews.


The number of interviewed households residing in collective accommodation (Collective Shelters or Transitional Centers1) dropped from four percent (4%) during the previous reporting period to two percent (2%) for the reporting period of July-August.
The intention to return amongst people in a refugee-like situation interviewed during the reporting period dropped from 19% to 6% (compared to May-June 2021).
Among concerns related to return: security risks (34%), no access to the area of origin/former habitual residence (29%), lack of access to livelihood (17%) and damaged property (11%), lack of access to basic services (2%), presence of mines (1%) were reported.
During the latest Protection Monitoring exercise, 364 households were identified as the most vulnerable and were referred to relevant partners who provided them with the required assistance.