Categories: 2021

Silent march for Armenian women killed in Almelo [The Netherlands] stabbing

The Netherlands, Sept 28 2021

A silent march will be held in Almelo on Tuesday evening to commemorate two women stabbed to death on M.Th. Steynstraat a week and a half ago. The two women were aunt and niece, aged 70 and 52 years. "With this silent march, in addition to commemorating their loved ones, the relatives also want to express their powerlessness," lawyer Sebas Diekstra said to RTV Oost on behalf of the victims' family.

The victims were Maral Dermovsesian and Zonund Kardanakyan, both of Armenian descent and both members of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), the Public Radio of Armenia reported. Dermovseisan headed the AGBU Women's Committee. 

A 28-year-old man from Almelo, a neighbor, is suspected of killing them. He was seen waving a crossbow around and firing it from his balcony in the same building where the women were killed. After multiple attempts to approach him safely, the police eventually shot him in the chest. He was taken to hospital, and was still unconscious. According to RTV Oost, the suspect was admitted to mental health institutions several times with psychological problems.

“AGBU Holland lost two of the most active women members through a heinous stabbing crime," the organization said to the radio station. "If we want to write about the late Maral, we may need pages and not through some words. In summary, she was the flower of our community. We pray to the Lord to rest both in peace and to their family members patience and strength in this terrible moments."

The silent march will start on Paganinistraat, where one of the women lived, at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday. From there, participants will march to M.Th. Steynstraat, where the other victim lived. Their funerals were held last week.  

Lena Karagyozian: