Categories: 2021

Open-air exhibition in Brussels raises awareness about Artsakh War

Public Radio of Armenia
Oct 2 2021

An open-air exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the second Artsakh War opened in one of the busiest squares in Ixelles municipality of Brussels on Friday.

The official opening ceremony of the exhibition titled “Nagorno Karabakh: Scene of an ignorant war” was accompanied by Armenian music.

The community initiated a series of public awareness events thanks to a petition submitted by Lisa Abajyan, a resident of Ixelles. The Committee of Armenians of Belgium (CAB) and the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) joined the initiative.

The Committee of Armenians of Belgium organized a candlelight vigil in memory of those killed in the war in front of the pictures installed in the square on September 27.

The photos on displayed were authored by Roberto Travan from Italy and Olivier Papegnies from Belgium, who were present during the war and documented the brutal daily life and aftermath of the conflict.

In his speech, the Chairman of the Committee of Armenians of Belgium Nikolas Tavitian thanked the community of Ixelles for initiating and organizing the event․ “It is not only about Armenians, because the future world will be the way we build it: a world of power, wars and indifference, or a humane and united world. The choice is ours,” he noted.

Arsine Chaltikian: