‘Armenia is a reliable partner for Italy in the region’, President Mattarella says



 17:09, 6 October, 2021

ROME, OCTOBER 6, ARMENPRESS. Armenian President Armen Sarkissian’s this visit to Italy is historical as it coincides with the 30th anniversary of the independence of Armenia, President Sergio Mattarella said during the joint press conference with his Armenian counterpart in Rome, Armenpress correspondent reports from the scene.

“I once again address my warm congratulations to President Armen Sarkissian. I am happy that we can conduct this visit as it was delayed because of the pandemic. Armenia and Italy can be proud of their friendly relations. We have several cooperation areas. I want to thank Mr. Sarkissian for Armenia’s engagement into the UN peacekeeping forces”, the Italian President said.

Sergio Mattarella stated that the partnership of Italy and Armenia was reaffirmed also during the pandemic, as the doctors in both countries have worked together. A work has been done on providing vaccines against COVID-19 to Armenia.

“Armenia is a reliable partner for Italy in the region. We know that reforms are taking place in Armenia, we are ready to carry out an exchange of experience in areas such as legal, judicial system. During the meeting we talked about the interests the Italian companies have towards the Armenian market. Some companies have already been set up in Armenia”, he said.

The Armenian and Italian Presidents have also discussed the cooperation in cultural, technological and scientific sectors.

President Mattarella said that Italy attaches great importance to the Armenia-EU partnership. He once again thanked President Sarkissian for this visit, stating that it’s a good occasion to reaffirm the high level of the relations between the two countries.


Editing and Translating by Aneta Harutyunyan